The infamous, “Lost Connection To Host” error keeps coming back to haunt me. Over the last few months on Call of Duty WWII for the Xbox One X has given me quite a challenge. I am unable to finish a full game without getting this error, “Lost connection to host/server. Connection timed out”. Every time. The most frustrating part is when you play for extended periods of time and then not get credit for your achievements, bonus points, rewards etc at the end of each game. It’s been months for me… I called Microsoft and they have no idea. I’ve already tried uninstalling and reinstalling, but the error still persists. All other games in my library run perfect. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated in the comments below. Thanks!
Vanguard Multiplayer First Impressions
Vanguard multiplayer first impressions. I will cover gameplay and visuals. Then I will give you my opinion on what I think the Vanguard dev team needs to work on to …